Friday, February 21, 2025


Last Updated: 27/02/2025

ID: 1
DateTime: 17/01/2025 09:00
Frequency: 147.000 - VK7RA
Callsign: VK7AK
Location: Home, Launceston Tasmania
Notes: QSO with Tony in Burnie. General chat about radio and his location.
ID: 2
DateTime: 17/01/2025 17:45
Frequency: 146.525
Callsign: VK7HDX
Location: Home, Launceston Tasmania
Notes: Quick chat with Karl while driving.
ID: 3
DateTime: 20/01/2025 10:15
Frequency: 147.000 - VK7RAA
Callsign: VK3IH
Location: Home, Launceston Tasmania
Notes: QSO with Paul. Located Walkerville VICTORIA, 3956. General chat about radio, SSB and his setup. 
ID: 4
DateTime: 20/01/2025 13:15
Frequency: 438.050 - Vk7RBL
Callsign: VK3IH
Location: Home, Launceston Tasmania
Notes: QSO with Paul. Lowerr signal levels, so switched back to VK7RAA. Two way signal reports exchanged.
ID: 5
DateTime: 20/01/2025 13:20
Frequency: 438.550 - VK7RJG
Callsign: VK7OR
Location: Home, Launceston Tasmania
Notes: QSO with Own, located in Yolla, near Burnie. Very noisy signal.
ID: 6
DateTime: 20/01/2025 13:35
Frequency: 438.050 - Vk7RBL
Callsign: VK7ACE
Location: Home, Launceston Tasmania
Notes: Very weak signal. Unable to continue
ID: 7
DateTime: 20/01/2025 17:10
Frequency: 147.000 - VK7RAA
Callsign: VK7VIP
Location: Home, Launceston Tasmania
Notes: QSO while portable in Riverside.
ID: 8
DateTime: 22/01/2025 10:05
Frequency: 147.000 - VK7RAA
Callsign: VK7ZPE
Location: Home, Launceston Tasmania
Notes: Peter. Mobile to activation, as part of Wednesday group. Had a chat about other repeaters and issues with RVP 6m being locked on transmit.
ID: 9
DateTime: 23/01/2025 14:20
Frequency: 147.000 - VK7RAA
Callsign: VK3TYG/7
Location: Home, Launceston Tasmania
Notes: Located in Low Head. On Portable. Working in VK7 for a few weeks. Traveling to different areas. Chat about repeaters and different areas they cover.
ID: 10
DateTime: 26/01/2025 19:40
Frequency: 147.000 - VK7RAA
Callsign: VK7VIP
Location: Home, Launceston Tasmania
Notes: Quick QSO with Brendan, was driving home. Chat about HF, radios and aerials.
ID: 11
DateTime: 29/01/2025 18:30
Frequency: 147.000 - VK7RAA
Callsign: VK7HAM
Location: Mobile, Invermay
Notes: QSO while both mobile. He was returning from a activation as a part of the Wednesday group. Located near Scottsdale. Signal was jumping a bit.
ID: 13
DateTime: 12/02/225 16:15
Frequency: 147.000 - VK7RAA
Callsign: VK7VIP
Location: Home, Launceston Tasmania
Notes: QSO with Brendan. Talk about IRLP
ID: 14
DateTime: 12/02/2025 16:20
Frequency: 147.000 - VK7AA
Callsign: VK7AN
Location: Home, Launceston Tasmania
Notes: QSO with Al. Welcome back to the bands.
ID: 15
DateTime: 14/02/2025 13:17
Frequency: 147.00 - VK7RAA
Callsign: VK7ZPE
Location: Home, Launceston Tasmania
Notes: QSO with Peter while he is mobile. Discussion about smoke, fires and weather.
ID: 16
DateTime: 14/02/2025 14:58
Frequency: 147.000 - Vk7RAA - IRLP
Callsign: W6BJM
Location: Home, Launceston Tasmania
Notes: QSO via IRLP reflector 9350. Located near LAX, has friends in Melbourne.
ID: 17
DateTime: 20/02/2025 13:15
Frequency: VK7RAA - IRLP 9300
Callsign: VE5REG
Location: Home, Launceston Tasmania
Notes: QSO with Reg via IRLP reflector 9300 - Saskatchewan. Chat about weather in Canada, was -40c overnight. Just returned from trip to Mexico, was a long drive. Has never been to Australia, has friends in Sydney.
ID: 18
DateTime: 21/02/2025 13:30
Frequency: 147.000 - VK7RAA - IRLP 9350
Callsign: W6BJM
Location: Home, Launceston Tasmania
Notes: QSO with Brad via IRLP node9350. Located LA. Dropped after a few overs, due to poor signal.
ID: 19
DateTime: 27/02/2025 11:09
Frequency: 147.000 - VK7RAA - IRLP 9300
Callsign: VA5TM
Location: Home, Launceston Tasmania
Notes: QSO with Tom in Hudson Bay via IRLP reflector 9300.
ID: 20
DateTime: 27/02/2025 11:20
Frequency: 147.000 - VK7RAA - IRLP 9300
Callsign: VE5GTW
Location: Home, Launceston Tasmania
Notes: QSO via IRLP reflector 9300 with George, retired elec eng. Just turned 102 years old.

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